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KE-ZU Blog

Bringing you the ingredients that make environments better to live, work and relax in.

  1. YOU-ZU: Scott Weston

    Want more Scott?  Pop over to:
  2. Enough About Us!

    Today we throw caution to the wind and put the spot light back on YOU! We've been rabbiting on for some time now and thought it overdue that we stopped and let you do the talking for a change. So, to get the big 'designery' ball rolling we have hand picked 12 individuals from design, architecture, media and manufacturing backgrounds...
  3. Value... Do You?

    Last Thursday evening heralded the Sydney launch of the Authentic Design Alliance at KE-ZU's Surry Hills Showroom.  Speakers on the night were Taiwan based designer Michael Young, MD of Hassell: Rob Backhouse, Simone Oliver from Geyer and Matthew Hall an IP specialist Lawyer from Swaab Attorneys. One of the prominent issues that came to light was that it can...
  4. With US You're Beautiful...

    It's Monday. It's Wet and It's the Winter Solstice -- Everyone needs a pick me up and we reckon Austrian DJ: Klaus Waldeck's  "bei mir bist du schön" is JUST the ticket! "With Me You're Beautiful" is the loose translation, and we couldn't agree more.  Click on the image above and take 5.
  5. Sharpen Up & Pencil This In...

     Though we may still shiver in our shoes, Sydney's Object Gallery have wasted no time in launching their new Spring Series.  A deliberate diversion from their regular program of exhibitions, this platform of ideas and creative thinking will run from July to October and is sure to bring some much needed warmth to the creative scene.  Taking place in and around the Gallery...
  6. World Cup Runneth Over...

    As the majority of the world submits to World Cup fever and we antipodeans retreat to lick our wounds over our false start last weekend, there comes some welcome news for football fans wanting a hand in dictating the success of  the Socceroos. Touching down at KE-ZU this week are three of RS Barcelona's oft coveted, ultra sleek, Foosball tables...
  7. Happy Camper...

    For the want of a nail the shoe was lost... ..and so the rhyme goes, a ramshackle chain of events that ultimately see a battle lost and a kingdom conquered. Ok.... ok, so humour us for a moment: dismissing the tenuous shoe analogy and the context being that of a horse shoe, we can all concede (rather clumsily) that...
  8. Sancal Want You to Read....NOW

    Sancal have come leaps and bounds in the past 40 years from a humble 3 person family affair to one of the leading contemporary furniture design and manufacturers, exporting from Spain to the world. The third instalment of their newsletter: "NOW" is out and well worth a look.  A good read, really. Download it here or flip through it online.
  9. Swamped...

    As the beep-beep of the truck backing towards the showroom grows louder, the KE-ZU team invariably leap to their feet and make a bee line for the loading dock. Sample arrival days are a bit like Christmas around these parts  -  With new designs and concepts being announced at Milan and Valencia Furniture Fairs in April and September respectively...
  10. The Starck Reality: Design for Life

    We've had dancing, renovating, cooking, singing, sewing, exercising and now: designing in Design for Life. In the eternal quest by television production houses to roll out newer, more appealing reality content, the wheel has finally spun around to the intriguing world of product design...  and not before time! The inescapable Philippe Starck fronts this BBC production that see’s 12 hopefuls...

Items 1031 to 1040 of 1081 total