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  1. KE-ZU's thank you ...

    All year round KE-ZU collaborates with the design industry supplying high quality furniture and lighting to some of Australia's most innovative projects. The annual KE-ZU Spanish Film Festival night is our way of saying thank you to our clients. We had a fabulous night viewing the Spanish comedy A Gun In Each Hand with our friends and colleagues over a...
  2. Don't fake it if you can't afford it ...

    As true advocates for authentic design - this piece in SMH by our mate Stephen Lacey who edits Design Unplugged couldn't be more apt, or hilarious! A fabulous piece written in support of a truly important issue. Another working tirelessly on this issue is the Authentic Design Alliance of which KE-ZU is a named supporter.  Head over to the website...
  3. MMM - We Go To Rio! ...

    The Australians! Formerly disregarded as kangaroo riding hillbillies, residing in outback shacks in remote towns populated by Akubra wearing, large knife wielding croc hunters. Slowly and surely the stereotypes dropped off and we are being recognized as the world leaders that we are. Fighting this good fight for the cause at the minute is the Socceroos. For the third time...
  4. estudio{H}ac's Aesop adventure continues ...

    Back in April we brought you some fabulous Aesop stores from across the globe, particularly the news that Aesop was working with estudio{H}ac (JM Ferrero of estudio{H}ac pictured above) to create a new window display (see Blog post here).  We're now happy to present the making of video - see the beautiful installation below! Ferrero has worked with many KE-ZU...
  5. Did you catch the Salone Bug? ...

    It's been a little while since the Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2013 took place.  The illustrious event is the pinnacle of the furniture calendar each year and our Caron and Lidia happily jetted off to attend. Full of great product, interesting people and fun parties - Salone is never one to disappoint. Did you catch our annual Milan Report which...
  6. Biophilia - Here to stay? ...

    The biophilia hypothesis suggests that there is an instinctive bond between human beings and other living systems. In his 1984 book and largely the running go-to when it comes to the subject, Edward O. Wilson introduced and popularized the hypothesis as "the urge to affiliate with other forms of life". As often is with architecture and design, we take cues...
  7. Indecasa celebrates 50 years of aluminium design! ...

    Indecasa, the company widely heralded as pioneers in the aluminium furniture field – innovators since 1963 in the process.  Doing some simple mathematics, Indecasa is now celebrating 50 years of designing with aluminium. Throughout its history, Indecasa has become renowned for developing its aluminium furniture production, in the belief that an anodised finish will show this material to its full advantage...
  8. MMM - The Aussie Blues King ...

    Today’s MMM comes in the form of another anecdote. A few years ago I lamented to a friend about not having any new music to listen to as (and my friends will gladly point out) my small rotation of classics was getting rather tiresome. A simple scribble on a piece of paper led me to discover Australian blues singer-songwriter C.W...
  9. KE-ZU's Concise Milano Report ...!

    You may have received it in your inbox. You may have seen it on Facebook. It's now here!  Our Caron and Lidia were excited to make the annual pilgrimage to Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2013 and following a fantastic Italian junket, we are now pleased to bring to you the KE-ZU Milano Report!  The Report has an insightful introduction by...
  10. KE-ZU Milan Report ...

    We had the best time in Milan for Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2013!  Caron and Lidia went to Italy for the fabled event.  The KE-ZU Annual Milano Report is available by clicking the cover below.  The Report features introduction by Caron, photos of new product available from KE-ZU suppliers, party shots (!) and a summary by Lidia. Be sure to...