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  1. FFF - Rollin' with Dolan ...

    After the success of our Spanish Film Festival night last week (see the blog post here) it inspired this Blog Editor to finally take the time to schlep down to the local video store and rent the two Xavier Dolan films which have been discussed between my friends over numerous bottles of wine and beers at the local pub. Whispers...
  2. Lookout Lorca!

    Sydney online-platform geared at improving the lives of men, Designer Man Cave recently ran a feature on work space style (available here).  The piece was intended to bring to light the necessity of good design of our workspaces to the savvy DMC readers - mission accomplished!  Naturally the Lorca Desk by Sellex (pictured) was featured, the very handsome shapely piece...
  3. KE-ZU's thank you ...

    All year round KE-ZU collaborates with the design industry supplying high quality furniture and lighting to some of Australia's most innovative projects. The annual KE-ZU Spanish Film Festival night is our way of saying thank you to our clients. We had a fabulous night viewing the Spanish comedy A Gun In Each Hand with our friends and colleagues over a...
  4. Sancal's Yellow Dot ...

    The excitement of a new Sancal collection is unfathomable.  The Spanish manufacturer in their latest collections have had a keen focus on form, shape, colour and the most notable above all else – fun. The promotional material provided by Sancal help us to market their product to a wider and welcoming Australian audience, and assures us that Sancal is continually...
  5. FFF - Trochut'ing for the Stars ...

    Alex Trochut is a name synonymous with forging a bridge between fine art and graphic design.  His works into typography are pure testament to this.  With an impressive client list of Nike, The Rolling Stones, Nixon, British Airways, Coca-Cola (shown) and Adidas under his belt – the talented Spaniard could easily rest on his laurels. Not for Trochut however.  In...
  6. Don't fake it if you can't afford it ...

    As true advocates for authentic design - this piece in SMH by our mate Stephen Lacey who edits Design Unplugged couldn't be more apt, or hilarious! A fabulous piece written in support of a truly important issue. Another working tirelessly on this issue is the Authentic Design Alliance of which KE-ZU is a named supporter.  Head over to the website...
  7. The Marquis of Vondom ...

    Forever pushing the boundaries and creating exciting products born from materiality, form and shape, Spanish go-getters Vondom and Mariscal’s studio{hac} have dropped a new range to the world of  decoration and design with a new concept of outdoor carpet.  Inspired by the sizes of diamonds, Vondom and Estudio{hac} have a close look at quality transference of their existing products and...
  8. MMM - We Go To Rio! ...

    The Australians! Formerly disregarded as kangaroo riding hillbillies, residing in outback shacks in remote towns populated by Akubra wearing, large knife wielding croc hunters. Slowly and surely the stereotypes dropped off and we are being recognized as the world leaders that we are. Fighting this good fight for the cause at the minute is the Socceroos. For the third time...
  9. FFF - A Genius called Wanda ...

    A reason to stop in New York City virtually doesn’t exist.  In a city so hurried and full of purpose, it was a treat for our Mark and Caron to stumble across such a wonder.  The one that managed such a feat was an installation worthy of taking that all-important NYC minute to marvel at its sheer size and beauty...
  10. Rashid-land ...

    Karim Rashid.  Enough said.  You can utilise the search engine in the top right this page to search for our specific thoughts on Karim, but loosely, we love his designs, we love his instantly recognizable flamboyant style and his latest project in Miami is no exception.  Nor is the incredible product available at KE-ZU designed by the master himself for...