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  1. Salone Milano 2014 Day 1: Artifort ...

    Artifort's 2014 Salone Milano stand (see the "funny little chairs" peeking out) The smiles cemented on the faces at the Artifort stand were infectious. We were told it was because of Artifort’s new “funny little chair” parked next to us, but we doubt it can rely solely on that. Artifort’s 2014 campaign is a holistic blend of new designs...
  2. Salone Milano 2014 Day 1: Andreu World ...

    Andreu World’s huge stand of brightly lit wood was stop numero uno.  The AW team have been hard at work developing new product and updating their existing catalogue with new materials, dimensions and components. Andreu World is a must see at Salone Milano, and early on visitors knew so.  The huge exhibition booth presented new models including On by Jasper...
  3. Salone Milano 2014: The KE-ZU Coverage ...

    In the blink of an eye another year has flown and the European sun has risen on the first day of Salone Internazionale del Mobile. Milan, a changing and adapting city which so beautifully merges history and commerce again plays host to the extraordinary annual fair, the stalwart event of the global design calendar. Now in its 53rd year, Salone...
  4. Design Competition ...

    Be inspired by our 25 brands, 300 designers and 5000 products to design the graphics for our new delivery van. We are open to any ideas, however it must include the KE-ZU logo in red. How to enter:  Download the line drawing + the KE-ZU logo. Create your design Fill in the entry form & upload your image as a jpeg...
  5. iSaloni 2014 Preview & Guide

    The worlds largest and most coveted furniture fair kicks off in the magical Milano next Tuesday.  Here is our official Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2014 guide here. Caron, Moraima and Simon are off to Milan so stay tuned for our daily round ups throughout the fair and our post-Milan report in early May.  
  6. We Welcome Fruits and Flowers ...

    Artifort is so highly regarded in the furniture industry it’s almost as if they are the foster parent of classic, original design.  They grow and maintain a database of reissued classics from great names such as Pierre Paulin, Geoffrey Harcourt, René Holten and Patrick Norguet. Two key pieces from Pierre Paulin, the Orange Slice and Little Tulip  are now in stock at KE-ZU. Should...
  7. LZF Lamps' Custom Constellations ...

    Forming part of their Stereovision campaign (see the blog post here), LZF Lamps have released a series of images called Custom Constellations. Following the incredible Candelabro, a sort of ‘greatest hits’ of LZF Lamps products artfully structured by Marivi Calvo, Custom Constellations groups similar LZF Lamps products together to form a cluster – adding to the impact that these pieces...
  8. KE-ZU Around the World ...

    A wonderful aspect of supplying a huge diverse range of quality designer furniture is seeing these pieces installed into spaces where people can enjoy them. Design is all around us, and whether one is aware or not, we all form opinions about our surroundings – we use our senses and form opinions on spaces and objects for their aesthetic value...
  9. MMM - Never Enough Zooz ...

    NYC based “brass house band” Too Many Zooz have made a name for themselves highjacking subway stations of The Big Apple with their distinctive sound and energetic performances. Glorified buskers, the band plays for commuters at various subways the experimental trio consists of a saxophonist, a trumpet player and a drummer.   Interestingly, Questlove (frontman and drummer for the band The...
  10. FFF - The Design & Violence Coin ...

    As the saying goes, “There are two sides to every coin”. So true this proverb is when applied to violence in design. In May 2013 the world was shocked when the exciting new venture of 3D printing, heralded as a giant step in the manufacturing sector, was put to work printing a gun. The material used to print the operational...