The exhibition “
Intinerancia de l’exposiciozona Intermedia. Disseny, Art, Societat” or better yet, translated to “Traveling exhibition "Intermediate Area. Design, Art and Society” is an intentionally collective of design, art and architectural projects, and their creators – focussing on several aspects of life within society.
Currently exhibiting at the Centre D’Arts Contemporanies in Barcelona, these projects demonstrate a commitment from the artists to social problems, and how they work towards change using parameters beyond their own specialties and practices. All the artists involved in some form play their part in encouraging the birth and utilisation of a more responsible, safer, more ethical environment than is currently the norm.

This exhibition highlights and prioritises human and social factors, over others such as business or formality. The pieces selected for the exhibition display projects in very different contexts, and with ambitions to deal with various aspects of social life such as health, food, the elderly, prison conditions, the use of urban space, the 15-M movement, relations between locals and newcomers, relations with other first world countries where labour is "cheaper", or responses to "natural" disasters.

Forming part of the exhibition is KE-ZU supplier
Nanimarquina. Nanimaruiqna is well known for her efforts in India, the main manufacturing country of the hand-made product, to reduce and eradicate child labour, and assist the children of carpet workers. Nanimarquina has been a member of Care & Fair since its inception. Care & Fair is an organisation founded by carpet importers abroad which aims to improve living conditions and provide training and decent, paid employment for families working in carpet production workshops. Nani also assists by funding a school in Bhadohi, a farming and carpet region of India from the proceeds of her
Kala rug available at KE-ZU (above), designed by students of Care & Fair schools.

Nanimarquina’s new collection Naturals, launching at Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2013 focuses on materiality and versatility. The collection strong on natural colour and aesthetic – see the KE-ZU Blog post