We should start this Furniture Free Friday with a definition:
An abnormal aversion to colours or to certain colours.
We found out about this phobia from a wonderful anecdotal article by
Michael Bierut.
For most people, colour is basic element of our daily lives that we use for comfort, inspiration, practicality, etc. Doing a prancy 360 in the KE-ZU showroom will show you a huge array of colour. We love it. However, according to S.K. Love of the Vedicure Wellness Clinic, an estimated 5 to 10 percent of people suffer from Chromatophobia.
Colour shouldn’t be feared, colour can bring so many positive emotions together and add a flair to anything that it is applied to. Having said this however, suffering Chromatophobia may not necessarily be such a bad thing. This started us thinking about all the things we love that only come in black and white... so, let’s have a think about all of the wonderful things that can be limited to a greyscale. Check out some of our picks below:

A little favourite quote from the king of Black and White, Mr Karl Largerfeld himself sums this Friday up perfectly:
We live in a world of colour and excess. Black-and-white always looks modern, whatever that word means.
It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white, or a rainbow – it’s Friday so have a good weekend!