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Very Gehry: Crinkly Wrinkly & Fascination With The Fold...

junk is built in cities around the world and nobody really complains... This is a small building in the context of Sydney I don't think it is going to destroy the town, I promise.With admission that the building was very much designed from the inside - out, Mr Gehry has via lengthy consultation with student and staff bodies, avoided construction of a monolith unable to serve it's primary internal purposes, effectively, whilst promoting interactivity. It's function as a mini-city within the fabric of it's community was at the fore of the design process. Externally the wrinkle and fold in one facade is attributed to the challenge of making a large scale architectural development of any kind; humane. On the Harris Street frontage, the jutting angles of multi-stroey glass sheets juxtaposes wonderfully. The 81 year old Gehry concluded by saying that once built he was confident the buildings would be embraced by the community. The $150M project is due for completion in 2014.
Categories: Uncategorized & Design News
Tags: ARCHITECTURE, design blog, Frank Gehry, Bilbao, Disney Concert Hall, Genry unveils UTS, UTS, UTS Business, Guggenheim, Gehry Partners LLP, sydney architecture, architecture blog, gehry UTS, gehry buildings & gehry frank
Posted On: 16 December, 2010
Last Updated On:17 December, 2010
Posted By: KE-ZU
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